Friday, June 17, 2011

Learning Online

They call it a "desktop" for a reason.

Increasingly, your computer has become the place where you work, relax, and learn. In most organizations and companies, mastery of basic computer applications is as essential as the ability to add two plus two (a challenge more and more of us count on our computers to handle).

At Consilium, Stonecircle and Aarluk we try to walk the walk. Before setting up an online training program in basic computer skills for our clients Nunavut Arctic College and the Nunavut Municipal Training Organization, we  clients, we put our own staff through the program. To their surprise, even our hardest-core users learned at lot; as a training organization, we were also able to provide feedback to the training software provider to improve their product.

After testing the software and training materials, Aarluk delivered its first Introduction to Computers course  simultaneously to 15 participants in 9 communities across Nunavut. The training used a "blended" approach, with the instructor working personally with each participant in addition to self directed training.

Lisa Dowling led the training for Aarluk, with Leslie Sutherland, Rosemary Ipeelie and Chuck Gilhuly providing support and program evaluation over the six-week delivery. A key part of the program was a pre-assessment that allowed Aarluk to customize training for each individual - learners with in depth knowledge didn't need to waste time reviewing content if they had already demonstrated mastery. 

There were many lessons learned that will make the next delivery even more effective. Most importantly,  participants made amazing improvements in their skills and knowledge - in many cases people jumped from a pre-assessment grade of less than 10% to over 50%, while continuing to meet their day to day job responsibilities.

Moving learning online is a big jump, and a smart one. Nunavut Arctic College and the Municipal Training Organization showed great vision and innovation in working to improve the skills and productivity of municipal staff, while cutting tens of thousands of dollars from delivery costs.

Aarluk is currently developing a number of online training products, and is also offering this computer training and certification program to other clients - anywhere isolation, travel costs and a need for improved productivity while meeting ongoing work requirements combine to make it the best fit for basic and advanced computer training.

Curious? Give us a call!

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