Thursday, September 15, 2011

Tell Me Why I Just Love Mondays...

If you've ever been a researcher getting ready to run a survey, you have, at some point, paused and asked yourself - when exactly should I send this out? Which day of the week works best?

We here at the CCG have been using SurveyMonkey for years to meet our client's online survey needs. It's quick, inexpensive, user-friendly, and very smart - it lets us cut down hugely on data entry costs, saving you time and money on your projects.

SurveyMonkey just gave us another reason to love it. They've published the results of their own analysis on rates of response, based on days of the week. They selected a random sample of 20,000 individual respondents who received a survey invitation by email (using the SurveyMonkey email collector) in 2009 and 2010, focusing on two of the most popular types of survey: surveys of customer satisfaction, and internal surveys of employees within an organization.

The result?

Response for external surveys were 10% higher than average for survey invitations sent out on Monday, and 13% lower than average for invitations sent on Friday. And for internal surveys, the disparity was even more dramatic.

For more information on the survey results, visit the Survey Monkey blog post. Oh, and be prepared from now on for a Monday morning flood of cheerful questions.

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