Friday, September 30, 2011

The StoryKeepers: Canadian Aboriginal Writers and their Work

They say you should write about what you love. So today, and for the next few months, that's what I'm going to do.

I minored in literature in university, and I love to read. I am particularly partial to literature - I rarely read books about business or biographies or current events. And within the vast realm of literature, I'm one of the odd types who loves Canadian literature. And to put an even finer point on it - I love Aboriginal literature. I'll seek out virtually ANY new fiction by a First Nation, Métis or Inuit author. I am fascinated by the characters, and the ways that authors infuse their culture and heritage into their stories. It's partly because I can relate to some of the stories of small community life or quirky families; but it's also because I think some of the most interesting and exciting new works being published in Canada today are by Aboriginal novelists, playwrights and poets.

But a taste for Aboriginal fiction is not an easy addiction to feed. They're not often best sellers; the publishers are often small, the print runs are limited, and often libraries or big bookstores don't carry them. It was this dearth of information that led me to write StoryKeepers eight years ago, featuring interviews and profiles of contemporary Aboriginal writers.

So for fellow book lovers, starting next week I am going to write periodically about what I love: Aboriginal literature, the writers, their stories, and my thoughts on these books - some classics, some hot off the press. And I am going to call this series - what else? -  the StoryKeepers. These won't be reviews, strictly speaking - think of them as reflections, or overviews with some opinion thrown in! My goal? To spark your interest in a little known facet of Canadian literature.

Happy Reading!

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