Monday, May 02, 2011

Galin Gets Certified. In a GOOD Way.

Our Galin Kora is a pretty remarkable guy. Multilingual (English, Albanian, French, Italian, and a smattering of Bulgarian ), cosmopolitan (with work experience in Egypt, Kyrgyzstan, India, Bulgaria, Tanzania, Thailand, Ghana, Peru, Romania, Sri Lanka, Bolivia, Nigeria, South Africa, and Albania), and multifaceted (with an excellent operatic tenor). Now he has one more set of letters to add to his M. Sc. - Galin has just won his Certified Management Consultant designation.

It's often said that anyone can become a consultant - which can make it hard to know who you're hiring. Galin's new CMC designation is the only internationally recognized designation for professional consultants, achieved through a rigorous course of studies, experience, and assessment and sponsorship by other professionals. The CMC designation is your assurance that the consultant you've hired brings an open mind, an educated, objective viewpoint and a focused skill set to the task of recognizing and resolving your challenges.

One of our goals at Consilium, Stonecircle and Aarluk is to obtain CMC designation for our entire consulting team. Two of our staff (Chuck Gilhuly and now Galin) won their certification this year, with Jennifer David, Patti  Black and Terry Rudden in the works, and more to come.

No one else is, however, is planning to learn Bulgarian at this point. That'll be Galin.

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