Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Buzzwords and Royal Nuptials - The Weekly Poll

Last Week's Poll

We invited our readership to chose from among a list of annoying contemporary phrases and select the one that drives them to the brink of madness. In declining order of irritation, here are the buzzwords that set your collective teeth on edge.

"Tweet" - 45%
"Bleeding Edge" - 30%
"Competitive Advantage" - 15%
"Key..." - 5%
"Concerning" - 5%

Let's hope that fashionable entrepreneurs seeking their key competitive advantage on the bleeding edge of social marketing find that concerning.
This Week's Poll: The Royal Wedding
Here at Consilium we're trying to decide whether to close down for the afternoon or simply rent a huge screen TV for the Boardroom to do justice to this deeply significant event.  There are, unfortunately, a few in-house curmudgeons who are refusing to get into the spirit of it all, and insist that it's an overhyped, artificial exercise in cheap sentimentality and product placement. They're actually saying that most people would rather do anything than expose themselves to the Royal Merger. So we're giving you some options.

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