Friday, August 17, 2012

You have to start somewhere!

On a hot and sunny Friday afternoon a few weeks ago, a discussion began between Consilium’s Jennifer Bradshaw, Stonecircle’s Kory Goulais and Aarluk’s Chris Grosset and Michelle Turpin. This discussion was unlike most of the others because it didn’t centre around the progress of projects (sorry Chuck), the latest sports news (sorry Geoff) or the fact that I can never remember to give my original receipts to Jing (sorry Jing, they are coming, I swear). Rather, this discussion was solely focused on the jobs that we worked at before finding our calling at Consilium, Stonecircle or Aarluk.

When you’re young, you think about your dream or ideal job and you naively assume that you will be handed that job once you graduate or enter the workforce. However, I don’t know a single person where that is the case. Reality says that you will likely work your first job in the service industry, perhaps at a store somewhere or a fast food establishment.

For example, Stonecircle researcher Kory Goulais' wife Alison worked at a pharmacy for eight years while she finished school then landed her dream job of being a teacher. The fact of the matter is that everyone at CSA started somewhere and based on that lunch, we felt that it would be fun to share our first jobs with you, kinda. 

Below, in no particular order, are CSA employees and their first job. Can you match the person to their first job?

Fred Weihs                          Steinberg's Grocery Store
Galin Kora                            Bottle Capper at Bottling Plant
Kory Goulais                        Northmart Cashier
Michelle Turpin                    Gas Station Attendant
Chuck Gilhuly                   High School Tutor
Leslie Sutherland                 Gas Attendant
Jennifer Bradshaw            Sales Clerk at a Toy Store
Chris Grosset                       Agronomist
Geoff Rigby                          Home Hardware Worker
Christian Cloutier                  K-mart Cafeteria Worker
Jennifer David                      Maintenance Repair Person

Answers will be revealed next week.

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