Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Congratulations Tim and Anne!

The happy couple
On August 11th, 2012, Consilium Senior Consultant Ron Ryan was a busy man. What was he doing, you might ask? If you haven’t figured it out from the title of this article, he was watching his son Tim marry his long-time sweetheart Anne. From all of us here at Consilium, Stonecircle and Aarluk we would like to say a heart-felt congratulation to Tim Ryan and Anne Maffre. In traditional fashion, we must also link you to the following video.

Word from our Senior Consultant is that the wedding went off without a hitch, although I beg to differ. It would seem that getting “hitched” was the entire reason they were there. Regardless, a good time was had by all. However, I cannot comment on the wedding because I was not there. I did however come to learn that three important things took place during the wedding 1) the marriage, 2) the reunion of family from across Canada, and 3) the open bar, three bands and poutine at midnight. Needless to say, Ron had the entire week following the wedding off (I think I know why).

More importantly (for me at least) was the golf tournament that occurred on August 10th, the day before. Ron organized a golf tournament at Edelweiss Golf and Country Club on the Quebec side of the border. Ron Ryan is the only person that I know who can organize a golf tournament full of family members and close friends (and have 32 golfers). In a nutshell, the tournament was very fun and rigged! Yes, you heard me, the tournament organizer also happened to win the tournament. Coincidence, I think not! Although that is not the purpose of the article, I digress.

Fathers of the Bride and Groom
Following the golf tournament and the mis-calculation of scores, everyone enjoyed a nice sit-down buffet style dinner complete with music and introductions of, well, everyone. The somewhat of rehearsal dinner more of families (Ryan, Fitzgerald, Clarida, Maffre) and friends being together consisted of over 100 people (like I said, Ron has a large family) who all introduced themselves and their association with the bride and groom. When it came for my time to shine, I stood up and explained that I knew Tim through tax season (don’t choke, don’t choke, don’t choke… ah, you choked). Needless to say they were polite and laughed. All in all a wonderful time was had by all.

Congratulations Tim and Anne!

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