Monday, July 25, 2011

Wrecking the Stage and Fixing the Weather: The Weekly Poll

Last Week's Poll: The Collapsing Stage

We invited our readership to speculate on the cause of the Notorious Bluesfest Stage Collapse, to enable us to provide helpful suggestions to the Fire Marshall's investigation. You were pretty evenly split on the question.
  • 27% of our readers felt the Stage collapsed because Cheap Trick was playing, and God doesn't like 70s music. (And who can blame Him?)
  • 27% felt it was cause by a trapped hot air pocket flowing in from Parliament Hill.
  • 27% thought that recent Federal Funding Cuts to Arts and Cultural Events had led to a deadly bolt shortage.
  • Only 16% blamed sabotage by classical music terrorists trying to steal audiences away to the Music and Beyond Classical Festival. You're off the hook, Mr. Armour.
  • And no-one thinks it was all just a Story invented by Stu Mills of CBC to fill a slow news morning.Phew. A rare but welcome vote of confidence in our our beloved public broadcaster,.
This Week's Poll: Everybody Talks About the Weather Mark Twain famously said, "but no-one does anything about it". And look what happens when you let weather get out of hand: weeks like last week, that's what.

Well, we're consultants, and when we see a problem, we fix.

To be fair, until this year the Harper Government hasn't been able to do much about bad weather, either winter storms or summer swelter.   In a minority government it's difficult to achieve consensus; and let's face it, nothing gets Canadian more emotional than talking about the weather.

But now we have a majority government; it's time to hold Environment Canada and our politicians accountable  for the weather they're supposed to be governing on our behalf.

The problem, as always, is achieving agreement. Some, as they say, like it hot: some like hot not so much. Since our readers' tremendous success on directing Constitutional Reform, we return to you for guidance. Let us know what kind of weather our government should be delivering, and next Monday your preference will be conveyed to the Minister of the Environment, the Honourable Peter Kent.

So: How would you like your weather?

1) Just like last week: hot and humid.
2) Just as hot, less humid.
3) Just as humid, less hot.
4) Less hot AND less humid.
5) Whatever, as long as CBC shuts up about it.

The Consilium Poll - The Only Poll That Matters - is open!

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