Monday, August 08, 2011

Debt Ceilings and Death Defying Tourism: The Weekly Poll

Last Week's Poll: If You Managed Your Money Like the US Government Manages Theirs...

Last week we looked at the various strategies the US government was considering to resolve their debt ceiling crisis, and speculated about what would happen if we applied some of those strategies to our personal finance. We asked you to tell  what you would do next time you found yourself overdrawn at the bank.
  1. Well, NO-ONE intends to adopt the Republican Strategy (explain to your banker that it's all his fault, and insist that all interest rates and service charges be lowered), the Democratic Strategy: (explain to your banker that  you have a right to spend what you're spending, and insist he raise your overdraft ceiling) or the EuroStrategy (pay back your debts by borrowing from your neighbour at an even higher interest rate.)
  2. A surprising 18% opted for the Tea Party Strategy (stamp your feet, glare, and just say No.)
  3. And a reassuring 82% voted for the Boring old Canadian Strategy: spend a little less, save a little more.
Good choice.

Devo? No, CN Tower Edge Walk
This Week's Poll:New Frontiers In Adventure Tourism

Statistics from the hospitality industry suggest that tourism from the United States has dropped significantly this year, a result of the high Canadian dollar and the volatile American economy.

How do we attract more tourists? It's been noted that the fastest growing tourism sector worldwide is "adventure" tourism, in which travelers seek out various "extreme" experiences. Last week, for example, the CN Tower opened its Edge Walk,  providing insane suicidal adventurous visitors with the opportunity to circumnavigate the Tower, 112 stories up, for a mere $175.

Okay, that's cool. But can we do better? We're inviting the readership to select from among the following options for a new, extreme Canadian thrilling adventure. Which do you think would offer the most raw, stomach churning excitement?
  1. The CN Tower Edge Tour: walk around the CN tour for 30 minutes. At ground level, not so thrilling. 112 stories up - hmmm.
  2. Visit Nunavut with a PETA Luggage Sticker:  we'll fly you to Grise Fiord, with an overnight in Iqaluit, and provide you with special PETA and Greenpeace stickers for your suitcases, bearing messages like "Make Love, Not Nipku", and "Can't You Just Buy a Parka From Mountain Equipment Coop?" One of our most popular holidays, with a survival rate of almost 70%!
  3. The Montreal Overpass Tour: see Montreal from the open top of a double decker bus - and actually ride, unprotected,  beneath some of the city's oldest overpasses!
  4. The RIM Rollercoaster: for all you sedentary adventurers! We buy you 1000 shares in Research in Motion and set you up in a hotel room in Waterloo, Ont. with a Blackberry, a stock ticker, an unlimited supply of coffee, and a blood pressure monitor. (This tour is on special this week, and probably even cheaper next week!)
  5. The Halifax Taxi Marathon: we'll reserve a cab in your name for the long airport-to-Halifax taxo drive: and we'll tell the driver you're from Ottawa.

All right, thrill seekers - the Consilium Poll - The Only Poll That Matters - is open! 

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